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Frank Sorge

Merseburger Str. 6
10823 Berlin

mobil:+49(0) 178 788 56 78


The photo database was set up by Frank Sorge in 2003. You can find photos of all topics related to horses. The main focus is on horse racing. Many freelancers from all over the world provide photos for the database. The labeling of the photos is really important to us, so that the desired photos are quickly found. Many editors like to use the database. Every private and individual photo request will be fulfilled immediately. The archive contains more than 100,000 photos, historical or up-to-date.

Frank Sorge lives in Neuenhagen (near Berlin) close to the racecourse Berlin-Hoppegarten. There he started his career in 1990 as a racing photographer. After his apprenticeship as a photographer in the craft from 1993 to 1996 and after passing the exam with best grade, he has been working as a freelancer since 1999. The father of two received a special honor in March 2006, when he was awarded the "Sven Simon Prize" for the sports photo of the year 2005. Germany's most prestigious photo prize was awarded to him by a jury of "Welt am Sonntag" consisting of high-profile sports personalities. Frank Sorge was honored for his outstanding success in the field of horse racing with a bronze memory gift, of course with a horse motif. It was the first time that a gallop photo was voted number one sports imagery of the year.
